am 6. August gehts los mit der „escalation of freedom“ das schaut ja nach einer tollen erweiterung aus endlich mehr neue gegner, neue missionen, planeten, etc…
ich freu mich drauf
am 6. August gehts los mit der „escalation of freedom“ das schaut ja nach einer tollen erweiterung aus endlich mehr neue gegner, neue missionen, planeten, etc…
ich freu mich drauf
Aso zusammen mit 3 Freunden nun auch endlich gekauft. Ich freu mich.
da habt ihr dann bestimmt spaß wenn ich online bin einfach anschreiben, und ich kann einsteigen falls ihr nicht zu viert seit. dienstag ist bei mir im normalfall hauptzeit fürs helldiven mit einem freund. dieses we habe ich aber auch zeit, da meine freundin ab heute abend bis sonntag außer haus ist
Die sollen endlich mal den Pro Patch liefern
und den multiplayer award haben sie auch gewonnen
Der Controller gefällt mir schon sehr
Ich finde den ja fast so hässlich wie meinen Cyberpunk2077-Xbox-Controller
das schwarz blau gelb find ich schon nett… aber kaufen werd ich ihn ziemlich sicher eh nicht
Ist da Online noch was los?
yep, macht immer wieder spaß
Ja, ich hab mich gestern auch kurz reingeschmissen. Sogar soviel los, daß man wieder ständig die „lobby ist bereits voll“ Meldung bekommt wenn man sich wo dazu gesellen will.
Puh, hab mich gestern extrem unfähig angestellt, bei den neuen Gegnern.
neuer premium content für helldivers
hab jetzt die Preise online gesehen das gesamte set kostet soviel wie 1,5 warbonds
Nice muss auch mal wieder reinschauen
hoffe ja immer noch auf einen Pro Patch in naher Zukunft.
neuer warbond
außerdem gibt es mit dem neuen patch wieder einige positive änderungen:
PATCH 01.002.101 - Patch notes
Spray weapons gas effect duration
Emoting while flying or ragdolling
FRV camera and handling tweaks
AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath rework
Crash Fixes
Weapon Fixes
Stratagem Fixes
General Changes
The duration of the gas status effect from spray weapons has been increased from 6 to 10 sec
Implemented a timer for the Illuminate dropship wreckages to despawn to prevent them from obstructing paths in the colonies
Helldivers have now also been authorized to deploy grenades and stratagems while leaning out from the FRV
Tuned FRV handling for a better driving experience when cornering
Starting magazines increased from 2 to 3
Spare magazines increased from 4 to 5
Stratagem Support Weapons
TX-41 Sterilizer
Removed the crosshair drift recoil
Decreased the camera climb recoil
The duration of the gas status effect from spray weapons has been increased from 6 to 10 sec
Armor Passives
AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath
Has been reworked to increase its effectiveness and to ensure it remains distinct, focusing on its unique gas-based mechanics.
It will now preserve ammo by only prioritizing enemies unaffected by the gas status effect. Once an enemy is affected by gas the drone will move on and target another unaffected enemy
The targeting logic has been reworked to prevent the drone from roaming too far. The origin of the targeting will be from the Helldivers position rather than the drone itself
The targeting range has been increased from 10 to 20m
The duration of the gas status effect from spray weapons has been increased from 6 to 10 sec
MD-6 Anti-Personnel Minefield
Cooldown decreased from 180 to 120 sec
Damage increased from 350 to 700
The deployment spread of mines has been increased by 20% to minimize the risk of chain explosions
MD-I4 Incendiary Mines
Cooldown decreased from 180 to 120 sec
Damage increased from 210 to 300
The deployment spread of mines has been increased by 20% to minimize the risk of chain explosions
MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines
SH-20 Ballistic Shield Backpack
Resolved Top Priority issues:
You can once again emote while falling or ragdolling! It should no longer reduce fall damage, but you’ll be able to freely express yourself as you fall to your imminent death or severe injuries - Nothing a stim can’t fix!
Fixed Illuminate spawner ship shields not taking impact grenade damage
Fixed an issue with collision gaps inside the Illuminate spawner ship, preventing grenades thrown in close proximity to the door from destroying the ships
Health packs now fully restore all of the Helldiver’s stims
High damage weapons will now detonate spawned Hellbombs on the map
Crash Fixes, Hangs and Soft-locks:
Fixed a crash that occurred when aborting missions with the Democracy Space Station effects active on them
Fixed a crash that could occur when hot-joining a mission on a planet with the Democracy Space Station present
Fixed a crash caused by quickly switching between different emotes before another client interacted with the emoting player
Reduced the chance for crashes caused by fires
Fixed a rare crash that occurred at the end of the drop-in sequence when hot-joining a game in session
Fixed a crash that occurred when the player returned to the ship while reloading their primary weapon
Fixed a soft-lock during drop-in when the host left or disconnected the session right after loadout
Fixed a crash that occurred when repeatedly changing armor pieces in the armory
Fixed a crash that occurred after finishing the tutorial and after naming your Destroyer
Fixed a crash that occurred during extraction
Fixed a crash that occurred when returning to the ship during heavy projectile fire
Fixed a crash for clients when the host was holding a carryable objective and quit the game
Fixed a crash that could occur when a player left the game when an encounter started
Fixed a crash that could occur when changing text language
Fixed a crash that could occur when reloading the SG-20 Halt
Social Issues & Matchmaking
Improved the matchmaking logic to better match players with players from nearby regions
You’ll now be more likely to get matched with the same difficulty lobbies as the one you have currently selected
Fixed an issue where the chat history was cleared when going to a mission and returning from it
Weapons and Stratagems
Opening and closing the text chat while in an emplacement now allows the player to remain in the emplacement instead of switching to their weapon
Fixed Arc weapons not reliably hitting the Impaler’s tentacles if aimed at the lower parts of the tentacle
The E/AT-12 Anti-Tank Emplacement now has the correct armor penetration tag in the ship menu
Stratagem turrets will no longer target Illuminate Tesla Towers
Fixed a visual bug where heat weapons would show numbers over the progress bar in the weapon wheel menu
Melee weapons should no longer send civilian cars and other objects in the world flying long distances
B-1 Supply Pack will now once again provide stims to other players. Remember Helldiver, sharing is caring!
Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in the E/AT-12 Anti-Tank Emplacement after depleting all of its ammunition
Following an investigation into the effects of severe survivorship bias during FRV Impact Testing, all FRVs have been reinforced. Minor parking mishaps will no longer result in catastrophic FRV explosions
General improvements to the FRV camera to make it look cooler and prevent it from getting stuck underground when driving downhill. Absolute cinema!
Reduced the chance FRVs get dropped on rooftops when being called in
The FRV movement key bindings should now accept non-QWERTY keyboard inputs
Fixed a bug where some enemies such as the Brood Commander was launched away further than intended when hit by the FRV
Fixed an issue where player ragdolling into the FRV would cause the vehicle to be yeeted into space
Fixed an issue preventing Helldivers from climbing and vaulting over civilian cars
Helldivers should no longer slide around on the ground after ragdolling from a blast (despite it being the year of the snake)
Fixed an issue where ragdolling into shallow water caused a stuck prone gliding animation
Fixed an issue where the Helldiver was not playing the sample pick up animations
Fixed a small visual bug with the Stalker’s tongue (you don’t want to know what it took to fix it)
Fixed an issue where enemies wouldn’t react to missed shots from projectiles or melee attacks near them
Miscellaneous Fixes
Fixed an issue where clients would trigger the wrong audio when waiting for the host to join the loadout
Fixed an issue of Helldivers exiting the hellpod right after readying up and before transitioning to the loading screen
Fixed an issue of civilians being blocked from finding the shuttle door during Emergency Evacuation missions
Purple question marks should be encountered less frequently during Illuminate missions on Sandy and Arctic planets
Fixed the floating head syndrome affecting Helldivers donning the AC-2 Obedient armor while using certain helmets
Fixed a bug that was introduced in December where weapons with lower armor penetration than the target’s armor incorrectly dealt one (1) damage rather than zero (0), resulting in misleading visual feedback and negligible extra damage to enemies and Helldivers alike
Enemies will now start sinking into the ground when killed near terminals or the extraction point, preventing players from being physically blocked