Dunkirk (2017)

endlich gesehen.

cineastisch beeindruckend, erzählerisch bedrückend, zermürbend, intensiv.

die geschichte selbst, würde sie in chronologischer reihenfolge erzählt werden, wohl nicht so „spannend“, aber mit nolans twist und vielschichtigkeit dann doch mit ein paar „oh - aja“ momenten.

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Ja echt super gemachter Film, echt org waren die Szenen mit den Stukas, die mussten den Sound da auch etwas anpassen, da der „Stuka Sound“ generell für herabstürzende Flugzeuge in Hollywood verwendet wird und das ja eigentlich nicht der Realität bei anderen Flugzeugtypen entspricht.
Viele hätten sich da an den „normalen“ Sound schon gewöhnt.

Auszug aus einem Interview mit dem Sounddesigner Richard King:

But the most important sounds were the loud sirens from the Stutka dive bombers. Audiences have heard variations on the sound many times, to the point that it’s crossed from iconic to cliche. Nolan wanted the sonic effect to reflect reality.

“In actual fact, the sound was specific to Stuka dive bombers and was created by wind driven sirens on the wheel struts,” said King. “It was used as a psychological weapon early in the war. As there are none existing in the world to record, and the existing recordings are pre-war, probably recorded on wax discs by German newsreel crews (adding a lot of analog distortion and signal degeneration due to 70 years of copying) it had to be created.”

King was inspired by period descriptions when coming up with the sound. He built and recorded a siren in a 30-gallon steel drum, and then added some trade-secret effects to the recording that gave it the right intensity.

“Chris wanted it to be terrifying,” he said. “This would’ve been one of the first times these soldiers would’ve heard that sound. One soldier said, ‘It was the most hellish, terrific noise you could ever encounter.’ The piercing, screaming sound was louder than the engine.”

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