wollte eigtl ein sammeltopic für leiwande film-trailer eröffnen, vorschauen, deren macher ihr handwerk verstehen, die lust auf mehr machen. da sammeltopic aber nicht erwünscht sind, wird halt jetzt für jeden film eines trailers ein neues topic erstellt, soweit es noch keines geben sollte.
^^^ this is a leiwander trailer. ^^^
und ja - hab mir den film damals angesehen und war hellauf begeistert.
Between September and November 2015, Ridley Scott revealed he was planning two or more sequels to Prometheus, which would lead into the first Alien film.[27][28] According to an interview that took place on the set of Alien: Covenant in 2016, Scott had the screenplay for the third prequel film written while working on Alien: Covenant so that he could „be ready to go again next year.“ Scott also mentioned the revived franchise might go on for even longer than previously mentioned.[29] By March 2017, Scott stated that if Alien: Covenant and the film that would follow it were successful, he had plans for another three movies.[30] In May 2017, Neill Blomkamp’s planned Aliens sequel was cancelled, and Scott revealed the title Alien: Awakening.[31] As of July 2017, however, 20th Century Fox was reassessing the sequels pitched by Scott, due to Covenant under-performing at the box office.[32] In the audio commentary for Alien: Covenant, Scott confirmed that a sequel to Alien: Covenant, is being written by John Logan, with Fassbender, Waterston and McBride reprising their roles. Scott also confirmed that the film will cap his prequel trilogy, leading directly into the events of Alien.[33][34] By September 2017, chief-executive-officer of 20th Century Fox Stacey Snider, stated that although Alien: Covenant was a financial disappointment, the studio intends to proceed with Ridley’s sequel when the right story is developed.[35] In late September 2017, screen-graphics designer Carl Braga announced that preproduction of the film was cancelled, following the disappointing box office results of Alien: Covenant, with nothing currently being developed.[36]
Werd das bis heute net verstehen, warum man das so gemacht hat wie es gemacht wurde. Weder ein richtiger Reboot noch fügt es sich wirklich in den bestehenden Kanon. So kann das natürlich nix werden. Und schon gar nicht mit derart dumm agierenden Charakteren wie in Covenant. Vor lauter Hand auf die Stirn klatschen sieht man den Film nicht mehr.
Hilft nix, bleiben nur die legendären Alien 1+2 Filme.